Monthly Archives: October 2023

Your protection safety net

Mother and daughter walking into their home, happy they have protection cover


When faced with the unpredictability that life brings, it is comforting to have the support of protection cover.

Increased household bills, mortgage and rent costs, mean that protection is more important than ever right now but, in response to these challenging conditions, some households are considering reducing their level of protection – leaving themselves vulnerable to financial shocks.

Dividend Allowance cuts: implications for investors


With the UK in the midst of a sharp tax-raising drive, understanding the full impact of fiscal changes on investments has arguably never been so critical. One area that has been subject to particularly draconian reductions is Dividend Allowance, with changes in this area likely to have a significant impact on many investors.

Don’t panic about mortgages


After successive Bank Rate rises, the cost of a mortgage hit a 15-year high in July and will likely stay high for much of the next year. In unpredictable and unsettling times, here are some ways for mortgage holders to keep a cool head.